The purpose of the page is for our staff and students to be able to illustrate the amazing things that are happening at our school!
What is IDAC?
Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC) draws members from parents to represent our school at district-level climate assessment/problem-solving meetings. The primary purpose of the Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC), originally formed in 1988 as the Intercultural Advisory Council, is to assist in the formation and review of policies that assure non-discriminatory practices in all operational areas of the Clovis Unified School District. Its further mission is to assist in improving the cultural environment of the District.
Boris strives to maintain and promote a school culture that is accepting of all and one that encourages all students to participate in school activities. Human relations council will be an active component of character development and multicultural education.
Staff training and weekly lessons reflect a commitment to the Positivity Project, growth mindset, and multicultural education.
Acceptance and Understanding of ALL
Virginia R. Boris Elementary strives to become a model of excellence for 21st century learning, global citizenship, innnovation, and shared leadership. We encourage inclusion of all students and staff across our campus through a variety of learning and culture building opportunities.
The Positivity Project
The Positivity Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping America's youth build stronger relationships by recognizing 24 character strengths in themselves and others. Our vision is to create citizens and leaders who will enhance our communities and country by internalizing the belief that "Other People Mindset".
Positivity Project For Families
Student Leadership
Student Council
Boris student council takes an active role in promoting positive school envrironment through various activities during the school year. Examples include, leading the school in the flag salute and BOLD chant daily, public service announcements specific to character development, and involvement in school wide activities. Student council also takes an active role in philanthropic endeavors such as the community food drives, coat drives and diseaster relief.
Human Relations
Boris Human Relations Council is made up of 4th, 5th and 6th graders who are interested in positively influencing peer relations on the Boris Campus and in our community. These students have been involved in National Mix It Up day, Pennies For Patients, Hurricane Relief and various other Pay It Forward community activities.
Human Relations Pay it Forward Campaign
Boris Elementary strives to increase positive playground interactions during recess time, where students learn about teamwork, collaboration and communication to reach a common goal. This is one way our students can develop the mantra "win with class, lose with dignity" and establish a growth mindset in all they do. It is our hope that students will gain confidence and the skill base to help them continue to pursue future athletic involvement.
Mr. Peace
Mr. Peace is a nationally recognized motivational speaker who inspires us each time he visits. He has a variety of assembly programs that promote acceptance of ALL. He encourages students to do what is right, appreciate the differences of others and that kindness can positively change hearts.
Be a Leader (Official music video) Featuring Our Boris Chargers
Mr. Peace visits Boris Elementary for the first time
Mr. Peace's second visit
Digital Citizenship
Digital citizenship is a concept which helps teachers, technology leaders, and parents to understand what students and technology users should know to use technology appropriately and safely. Digital citizenship is more than just a teaching tool. It helps all students to develop digital citizenship skills to participate fully in their communities and make smart choices online and in life.
Benchmark Curriculum
Benchmark Advance curriculum provides innovative resources to accelerate achievement for all students. Text selections include a variety of genres that promote multicultural education, self awareness, and acceptance of all.
Collections Curriculum
Collections provides a multifaceted digital and print approach that resonates with todays students promoting multicultural education and acceptance of all.
School-wide Multicultural Activities
Supplemental Curriculum provides additional experiences for our students which actively promote the Other People Matter Mindset. Positivity Project lessons and activities, Growth Mindset lessons and visits from motivational speakers such as Mr. Peace, and multicultural authors supplement learning at Boris.
Folklorico Dance Club
In the years past Boris Elementary's Folklorico group has been composed of students who enjoy learning about the traditions of the Mexican Culture. These traditions are expressed through music, song and dance. Our goal is to teach cultural appreciation and provide an arena for artistic expression.
Click links below for videos
Folklorico Dance Group
Folklorico Dance Group
Bhangra Dance Club
Previous years of the Bhangra club showcase a folk dance that originally emerged as a way to rejoice in the harvest season. Students at Boris Elementary are encouraged to learn about Punjabi culture and participate in Bhangra dance. This co-curricular activity is another way to celebrate the many cultures that thrive at Boris Elementary!
Click links below for videos
Bhangra Dance Club
Bhangra Dance Club
Bhangra Dance Club